
Your guests are satisfied. And you know why!

The Teamster FeedbackAssistant: Makes transparent,
how your restaurant is received by your guests. Simply delicious!

The Teamster FeedbackAssistant tells youhow your guests feel about your restaurant, and they don't have to fill out long feedback interviews for it. So you're always up to date, even if you're not on site.

Transparent. From the start.

Quick feedback: 3 smileys at the exit. Click once – done.

Complete integration

You can let your FeedbackAssistant notify you if guests weren't satisifed. This way you can react directly. Teamster can also assign feedback to individual shifts. Who from your team takes particularly good care of your guests?
You know it!



Detailed feedback

You want to know more? Teamster makes it easy for your guests to give you feedback: scan the QR code, send a short email and you'll know what you should improve! Whether its service, hygiene or cleanliness. Teamster feedback is structured and easy to get, without any effort.



Your advantages

  • 100% transparency

  • Clear structure

  • Simple handling

  • Automated notifications

  • Integration into controlling

Let us show you Teamster!

We'd be happy to demonstrate Teamster to you in person.

„With Teamster, I get an overview very quickly because I can see all my restaurants at a glance. I can track in detail: what's going well, what's not going as well.“

Lothar Stöber
Restaurant Manager KFC Brunnthal