
Rely on transparent figures.
Prepared according to your needs.

Sales, personnel or cost of sales: Teamster Controlling links all figures and creates transparency. This is how modern controlling works.

Teamster Controlling is transparent and versatile. In addition to overviews in the Teamster Suite – many of them in real time – Teamster calculates KPIs, monitors deadlines and allows you to control your restaurant based on transparent specifications. Teamster plans, coordinates and controls. And if you need a little more: Teamster offers the possibility to download the details for further analysis in Excel.

Sales controlling

Teamster provides all relevant sales data based on daily (cash) turnover. Per hour, per week, per month: you can choose any time period. At a glance you can see the comparison to the previous week, previous year or plan. Always up-to-date, broken down by product or sales channel or by store.

Cost of sales controlling

This is how you control your cost of sales. Teamster provides detailed cost of sales per store, per category or per product. You can freely select the categories. Purchase price lists can be imported on a daily basis.

Personnel controlling

Teamster keeps an eye on employee productivity, records, controls and plans hours and evaluates them against individual costs.

Daily profit and loss statement

Teamster brings together sales, personnel and cost of goods sold, calculates the contribution margin per day and shows deviation from plan data.

Theft control

Too little money in the bank? Are the costs of goods too high? Too many cancellations? Missing bookings? Suspicion of theft? Teamster helps! It analyzes product consumption based on cash register data and compares it to the actual consumption per purchase item.


Deadline control

Everything has its time. Even work permits, semester certificates and similar indispensable documents expire at some point. Teamster knows exactly when and reminds you or the affected employees in time to submit the new forms.

Cost controlling

Teamster allows you transparent purchase controlling. You can track price developments and efficiencies clearly and transparently.

Your advantages

  • 100% transparency

  • clear reports

  • easy handling

  • graphical preparation

Let us show you Teamster!

We'd be happy to demonstrate Teamster to you in person.

We rely on Teamster to control our revenues, and in addition to the clarity, the high level of process automation helps us the most.

David Büttner
Head of Finance – five guys